Tune in, Slow Down, Give Thanks

by | Community, Off Topic, Personal

Ah, Thanksgiving, a true, non-denominational American Holiday. Well, it’s a holiday for those of us who don’t work in retail, who are  scheduled to report on Thanksgiving  for the start of the annual consumption bonanza. As a matter of fact, holiday advertising began right around Halloween this year, and in some places, before then.

It is my wish that we can just try to take a timeout and give some thought to giving thanks each other, to you and yours, and them and theirs.

It is also my wish to consider slowing down from the often hectic pace of life today. Just walk away, one day from time limits, deadlines, high productivity goals ,  feelings or ‘must do’s’ that lie before us that seem to constantly keep us another step further from self-fulfillment, as we chase the American Dream.

That American Dream is defined and or lived differently by each of us depending on our circumstances. For some, it’s all about the game, a corner office, the full-time job with  benefits, while for others , the thought of a warm meal and safe place to sleep remains just a dream.

So after we slow down, let’s , for one day, this  Thanksgiving, disconnect from our smartphone devices and reconnect with each other, the ones around us; fellow citizens, our friends and family. Face to face.

And over Thanksgiving and the remaining holiday season,  I wish we will drive more courteously, and place some money into the red-kettle in front of the grocery store and donate to a food pantry in our locale.

Come up with a list of things to give thanks for, even if its one or two things and address your gratitude to whichever being or karmic entity you believe in.

As Americans, we have freedoms millions of  others dream for, and for the most part, we’re educated, employed, warm, dry and safe. Thanks a lot to give thanks for.

I wish for us to give thanks for for all simple, yet vital blessings. Enjoy your holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving!