Gratitude and Voiceover

by | Career Advice, Personal, Voice Over, Voiceover

Gratitude and Voiceover, thank you in many languages

Gratitude and Voiceover

By definition: Gratitude

Noun. the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful:

I just found an intriguing description of gratitude in Wikipedia. Gratitude can be viewed as emotion, and as a motivator of behavior, suggests that people who are more grateful have higher levels of well-being. “Grateful people are happier, less depressed, less stressed, and more satisfied with their lives and social relationships.   Grateful people also have higher levels of control of their environments, personal growth, purpose in life, and self acceptance.”

At the website, Abundance- and-,  an article on the topic of gratitude  states how sincere gratefulness works from a strictly scientific perspective, and “everything within our universe broken down into it’s purest form is a vibrating mass of atoms and subatomic particles. (Energy) Through the Law of Attraction , the energy (vibrations) that you resonate and project based on your thoughts, feelings, and emotions determines your “vibrational frequency”. The energy broadcasts that frequency, attracts to it energy or vibrational frequencies that harmonize or resonate with it which determines the events, situations, and circumstances that you attract and eventually see manifest into your life.”

I agree. I find I am gravitated to people who seem to have what I call, “positive vibes”.

And I do believe that the human mind follows in the directions of its thoughts, which is in an incredibly empowering truth. This has everything to do with gratitude.

Now, some may wonder, what in the heck does this have to do with voiceover work? In my opinion, absolutely everything!

Do you have a desired outcome in mind when you create your business, strategic or marketing plan for your voiceover business? If so, be grateful for your vision and belief in your abilities.

Have any blessings to be counted today? A loving family? How about a great audition? Are you healthy?  A good meal? A gorgeous sunset….you get the idea.

Are there any obstacles in your career path you can view in a new light? How about ways you can optimize your business by procuring some voiceover coaching that will keep you current with new trends. By following through with the direction of your thoughts, you’ll be happy that you’re reinventing your value proposition to the marketplace by doing so.

Perhaps you can begin a routine of journaling what you are thankful for. How about posting affirmative quotes or words in your workspace or in the studio. I have all sorts of self-talk messages posted around my office and in my studio.

Try a weekly assessment of your “gratitude attitude”. Don’t forget to thank your clients that hire you for their voiceover needs!

And don’t expect too much too soon. Slow and steady wins the race. Don’t give up. And don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Be thankful for the one and only you there is on the planet!

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.”- Cicero


Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


NOTE: This post was originally published in 2009 here at Bobbin’s Blog, and I figured it would be a good time to revisit it pull it from my archives and massage it slightly. My next post will be another human trait that’s closely related to gratitude, which is highly needed today, and is completely under-rated. And even more closely related to our voiceover  careers.


  1. I am constantly impressed with the level of helpfulness that everyone in this industry shares. Its people like you, Bobbin, that make this industry such a great place to work. Thank you so much for all of your insight and knowledge and willingness to share this with everyone!

    • Rob,
      Yes. I agree. And we all can learn something from everybody. I appreciate your kind words as well as your recent and awesome post on the 25 Ways to Market your VO Business.

      Have great holidays!