“How To Make Money In Voiceovers…”

by | Product Review


“How to make money in Voiceovers…even if you don’t live in N.Y. or L.A.” by my friend and talented vo gal and coach, Julie Williams…is 5 cds loaded with helpful information for all skill sets. The program is subtitled, “Your Bridge To Voice-Over Marketing Success”.

I’ve personally elected to not reside in the major markets; New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, yet there is still some work to be had in those and many others, even around the world.
Julie offers  timely information throughout, and a generous helping of marketing ideas and an insider’s perspective on the industry as we now know it.

Julie interviews a panel of experts, including, Stephanie Ciccarelli, Jason Sikes, Frank Maranzino, Larry Maizlish, Krisitine Oller, Gabrielle Nistico and Robert Sciglimpaglia , who provide their own unique views on today’s voice over industry. 

Julie’s experience is shown and shared as well; she brings  up several marketing ideas and considerations; SEO, Websites, Unions, legalities, and setting up your studio.

This set is a nifty addition to my voice actor’s tool kit. Thanks, Julie.