Recovering From Summer

by | Business, Personal, Voice Acting, Voiceover


                   Recovering From Summer
There’s a certain melancholy that I experience at the end of each summer, albeit brief. Wasn’t it just Labor Day? I can’t believe Autumn arrives today. It will certainly feel like summer, as we brace ourselves for triple-digit temperatures for the next several days in the Southwest.

But the seasons, march on. No more vacation time, the ocean will become too chilly to swim in, and there will be less daylight hours. No more fresh tomatoes growing the back yard. No more goofing off. Not that I realy engage in that too often, with my Type A work ethic, which I’m trying to get over. After all, the holidays are fast approaching.

The short but sweet sadness gives way to a flood of excitement tempered with anticipation of the future. Welcome change. It’s time to get back on track. Reassess what needs to happen so I can stay connected to my career aspirations, and fuel my passion so I can create something of goodess.

This summer, like most, the workflow was generally slower paced. I’ve learned to take this annual phenomenon in stride, and accept the cyclical nature of this business. Everybody seems to take a break, so projects are pushed back, or go on hiatus. Just yesterday I was hired for something I auditioned for on August 6th!

The good news is, I thought my income would be negatively impacted after the economic events that began a year ago. Strangely enough, my business is ahead of last year by about 15%, year to date. Always thankful, always!

Anyway, after a lull in the action, returning my full, 100% concentration on all aspects to handle leaves me feeling a bit overwhelmed. Right now, I’m looking at the huge pile of papers and organizational needs of this home office, marketing projects to be developed and implemented, and various committments made to write monthly e-zine articles and produce a podcast for the visually impaired, in addition to my commitment to this blog,  the necessary social media time, learning, reading, voiceover study ,auditioning, community involvement, working, staying healthy, plus all the personal/family business.

OMG- That was the longest run-on sentence! OK enough already!

I’ve made a resolve to take small steps and NOT take on everything at once, in order to remain encouraged and hopeful for the future.

I promise myself to be a better planner, be accountable, and better manage my home studio/office work environment. I KNOW this will help me feel more on top of things. I am re-listening to “Feeding Your Focus” by Kristine Oller for the umteenth time. I’ve learned from my past that the summer doldrums don’t spell the end of my career.

I’ve decided to remain upbeat, and surround myself with things and people, which inspire, moving me forward. At the same time, I will identify what is merely distraction, and practice quiet discernment.

I’ll revisit my annual Business/Life Plan’s goals, check in to make sure I’m on track. I’m going to mix things up a bit, through the workflow, the creativity in my auditions…and learning, always growing.

Recovering from Summer will get easier.(Although the high temps will be a mental challenge, nudging me toward the beach)

Here is an excellent quote by Henry Ford:
“Obstacles are those fretful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.”

Guess I’ll stick around the office today and keep my focus on the goals.