Caring for your Cords

by | Business, Career Advice, Voice Over

I really like what Edge Studio is all about. They educate and give tirelessly for the benefit of the voiceover artist.

Here’s a link to a page that details how voiceover artists take care of their voices.  After all, when you’re in this business, you MUST protect your money-maker.

The weather is making for drier airconditions, both inside and out, so it’s time to hydrate!

I’d also suggest looking at all the free items one can obtain from Edge Studio’s comprehensive website. You could glean a trick or two that will help! Sign up for their newsletter. Good stuff!

I have also written my own previous post on this topic:

and here’s another timeless article found:


  1. Much appreciated. Thanks Bobbin! Look forward to your blogs! 😀

  2. Stefania,
    I really appreciate your kind words!