The Great A-Ha…Keep Going!

by | Off Topic, Personal, Personal Development

Life’s Big Challenges

Life can be challenging. And sometimes problems can come in multiple waves. But when you challenge yourself, life will become more easy. There are always going to be problems, predicaments and detours that’ll try to derail you.

But if you face into the problem or challenge, and make the choice how you are going to react , you will be embracing the problem and become victorious over it. You will gain a sense of empowerment because you solved the problem and overcame it by choosing to embrace it.

Embrace the problem

Fully embracing a problem, obstacle or confrontation will give you control over it.  Embracing allows you to face it fully, instead of wishing it will just go away. Realism is a good friend. It will allow you to to do things you’d not normally do, see things you would not normally see, and be what you would not normally be.

My A-Ha Moment

I must admit I was a bit off the past two weeks when a family crisis arose which was serious enough to lose sleep over for a while. I’ve spent some quiet time and had a moment of clarity. I realized that when bad things happen, if I would not allow those things to take up any more real estate in my mind,  I would no longer be angry, upset, or  feel forever changed. It gave me strength to feel like I was in control of my reactions. And now I believe there will be a positive outcome to whatever the future holds.

I will keep on going, and never give up on the dream to live life happily fulfilled, and to know the universe in the end will right all wrongs.

Live Life Strong.


  1. Lovely post Bobbin! Very deep. The Universe is firmly with you. Many blessings and a hug to you! 😀

  2. This column is so very inspiring. It applies to all areas of life. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Thank you, Vanessa for being such a good friend.

  4. Thank you, Vanessa for being such a good friend.