BN Chats with Voice Actress Joan Baker

by | Career Advice, Studio Equipment, voiceovers

Joan Baker totally rocks. I came across this article on the Broadcast Newsroom Blog, where Joan discusses(among other things) the update to her book,  the “That’s Voiceover” conference coming to Los Angeles, and a little microphone technique.


  1. Thanks Bobbin for sharing. This is a brilliant article. I like the line about “You need to be able to create abundance for the people that are hiring you.” Ooou! I’ll remember this!

  2. información impresionante, muchas gracias al escritor artículo. Es comprensible para mí ahora, la eficacia y la importancia es alucinante. Gracias de nuevo y buena suerte!

  3. Hey there Stefania,
    Joan is really all kinds of awesome, isn’t she? I adore her positive energy. Such a leader in our voiceover community who does a lot of good for a lot of people.
    Thanks for your feedback here, as always.