Cat’s outta the bag…”Star Tours”

by | Commercials, Voice Acting, Voiceover

Yes, it’s my “flight attendant” voice in the background in this Star Tours spot.   Yes, in a  higher  than normal vocal register, and appropriately computer- processed, but its all me. After all it’s a Disney Production. 


  1. Yay Bobbin!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. How awesome is that??!! Well done, Bobbin! 😀 Really cute commercial – and your voice was perfect with it!

  3. Hi Jodi. Thanks so much. The session itself was amazing, too. It was so fun to record and see them put together the spot  on the video monitor while doing the VO. The timing had to be very exact.

  4. YO Trish. Thanks, Girlfriend!
    Hugs, Bobbin

  5. I can imagine! But you obviously gave them just what they wanted. Fantastic! 😀

  6. Bobbin: So glad to see this again!! Love it–showed to friends!!! Thanks again for directing us at the SD Meet up!