7 Worst Vocal Trends Started By Teenage Girls

by | Resources, Voice Over, Voiceover

I was contacted last week by Elizabeth Walters,  a part-time writer/researcher for
BestOnlineColleges.com. While searching for best online college resources, she
discovered my blog  post a while back titled “Alleged Voice Trend: Vocal Fry

In my opinion, Voice actors need to be aware of vocal trends, whether or not they are the kind of thing that permanently embed themselves into our communication. I know I have used and referred to various trends in speech patterns for finding characters and exploring new reads to more or lesser degrees, depending on a number of factors which I won’t delve into here and now.

For the most part, trends can be “trendy”,  and easily become stale or downright destructive to the human voice, like the “vocal fry”, after prolonged use. Voice actors had best heed the call to take extreme care of our vocal folds! You lose or damage your voice and you’re out of business!

I ‘d like to share the following with my blog audience, because Elizabeth and I maintain a  shared interest in speech and vocal patterns. I
trust what you’ll see aren’t purely  permanent vocal trends, if there
are such things. But perhaps moreover a fad, a  cultural reflection, especially
as demonstrated in the last video clip, which is too long, and basically a teenager behaving badly, yet glorified by a hit show.
So what do you think?

                        7 Worst Vocal Trends Started By Teenage Girls

Hey voice actors, just don’t do your daily warmups singing to Brittany’s songs!