I am happy to introduce the newest iteration of Bobbin’s Blog, now on Word Press. Sorry for the time lag since the last post, but I had to be patient while the migration and a bunch of web-master wizardry took place behind the curtain. Now everything is integrated within my web site.

I was very excited to make the move which will have more of the essential social media-friendly capabilities, something which was not available with the previous version.

So as I learn my way around this new space, I beg your indulgence a bit. I do have some useful posts planned.

There is also continued fine-tuning happening as this is posted regarding issues surrounding my ability to post photos  and graphics using this theme and keeping them in their proper place. There’s always something!

Feeling the itch to not wait a day longer to get back into the blogosphere, imagine that I’ve placed the Word Press logo beneath my headline. Voila.

Happy to be back!



  1. Congrats on the new site Bobbin. Looks Fantastic!

  2. Derek,
    THANK YOU! You’re the first to post in this new space. Yay, it works!

  3. Site looks great and I’m looking forward to your new posts.

    Just curious what plug-in you’re using for your demos on the right column?

    • Hi Marc,
      Here’s what I got from my web guy Let me know if you want him explain more and I’ll relay the message:

      The short answer is that we are using MediaElements.js. http://mediaelementjs.com/

      This is a bit complicated to actually execute, not quite as simple as turning on a plugin, although that is part of it. If you like, I can respond as myself in the comments with more details if they are interested.

      Thanks for stopping in.

      • Hi Marc,

        To add to what Bobbin said, we used the WordPress plugin from MediaElements.js. It is an html5 plugin so the player will work on most devices and browsers. Although we have this site setup (done previously) to display a different view for anyone viewing from a device with a resolution of less than 700 pixels.

        That plugin was then used to build the players you see in the side bar, but built first on a separate page on the site in WordPress but using some css and html. The site is powered by the Genesis framework from StudioPress, and that includes some awesome widgets that allow you to pull in content from a single page and display it in a widget.

        We can control when and where that widget shows up throughout the site, although right now it is set to show every where. 🙂

        The plugin made it possible, but the overall effect is only possible with the entire setup of WordPress, genesis, some css and html etc. 🙂

        Brett (sometimes known as a web guy) ;0