Just Today

by | ISDN

I’m still kind of in shock over the fact that the move is coming down so fast. A very short escrow period has us having to step up in many ways. The necessary septic certification and pump out, the termite inspection, the house inspection and appraisal, and having to come up with an old loan number for something done over 15 years ago is shaking up the smooth ride toward close of escrow. Yes, some escrow agent in our past was paid very well but failed to record a reconveyance  with the county 15 years ago!

Today was the appraisal, so we wait with baited breath that this one comes back with a favorable number to justify the buyer’s loan  amount.

So many hurdles, as we keep packing packing, packing. God there is so much stuff!  And we are just 8 days until election, and the jobs keep coming in. I had an ISDN session Sunday, and another today, and a two hour session tomorrow…and then some more work. I am thankful but a little worn out. I’m also concerned about so many of my east coast friends who are dealing with the impact of hurricane Sandy. My issues pale in comparison…

Stay safe my friends you are in my thoughts and prayers.