9 Days and counting…

by | Off Topic, Personal, Voiceover


Last week was a crazy busy week of work in the booth which left little time for packing. With time drawing so close to moving day, the countless details swirl in my mind day and night.

I’ll be glad when this is over. THEN I’ll finally get a full night’s sleep.

The good thing was  that during this weekend we worked like crazy and accomplished great things. The above is much of the “stuff” ready to go.  It’s sounding  silly to many, but truly this is a thing of beauty. The garage has not looked this organized and clean in years! I finally got a decent night’s  sleep. Today I actually “slept in” until 5AM!

Today, more phone calls, a new voiceover project from my agent in the UK,  that’s airing in Jordan, going through old CD’s and more packing. All that’s looking to be finished are the clothing, large pictures, and bathrooms.

There’s some furniture to be donated, too. Gotta do that pronto. I swear I am adopting a minimalist lifestyle after going through this.  Many, like myself,  don’t even realize how much stuff  can accumulate when you aren’t paying attention.

Happy Veteran’s Day! I’m thinking about my amazing father-in-law who’s first mission was D-Day. Now I’ll take the remainder of this lighter work day (for almost everybody else) to focus on the myriad tasks that lay ahead of me.