Connectivity: Fascination and Frustration

by | Audio, Audio Books, ISDN, Technology

I am writing this at my new local public library, where I am uploading an audio  short story, “A Christmas Crossing“, by historical romance author  Lynn Hubbard via ACX, and the upload time is painfully slow. There is still no internet, TV or telephone at my cozy new location I just moved into. The chances for a successful ISDN installation are looking slim as well.  After all, I live in a boathouse apartment.

Everything about the move was smooth until now. As a voiceover actor, your business relies on internet, and for many of us, ISDN. I am working with one of the largest and oldest telcos in the country, which at this point will remain unnamed until I can confirm that their capabilities and service technicians can either rethink it’s possible or impossible to get my place wired in the 21st century. Go ahead, read between my lines and words, and you’ll figure out what I’m talking about.

I have been fascinated and frustrated by the process and challenge at the same time. Installation of everything was to happen on Friday the 30th of November. It is Monday, December 3.  Here I sit, at the library, uploading jobs.  I have concern about how I am going to deal with this, in light of my client’s needs. I am hoping for the best, and know eventually, something will happen. I am fascinated about how this all works.  Fiberoptics, and copper wires, and the gateway to the universe.

I am breathing deeply, knowing that getting upset will not make anything happen in a positive way. I can’t get upset over things that are out of my control.

Ah, my large file that took an hour to upload is finally finished.  On to the next one.