Bobbin’s Blog is now 6 years old. The first post here was actually created on February 18, 2007. I’ve been spending my time, writing here to be helpful to the voiceover community at large. I don’t just report what everyone’s already been saying, so you won’t find that here. There’s a lot of noise out there, and a lot of time wasted on the internet, so I believe you just need to find your few favorite landing places that feel right for you. Basically I’ll report interesting events or thoughts that may resonate with my peers.

First and foremost, I am an artist and a dreamer/planner, so a lot of my thinking is right-brained. At the same time I am a highly critical thinker and pragmatist. Crazy, I know!

I strive to be a better thought-leader. I like to encourage people without painting a totally rosy outlook and bursting bubbles. The truth is, our industry has changed, just as the messages conveyed on this blog have changed and morphed in the last six years as well. I am a reflection of those changes and so is my work.

In that six years I’ve become and avid follower of the late great Jim Rohn. No he wasn’t a voice actor, but he acted daily to stimulate  the lives of others to become better in every way. That is what I believe makes a successful artist being.


Another important element in what I am doing is I am an avid learner, and reader of books. The latest one is  “The Personal MBA: Mater The Art of Business” by Josh Kaufman.

I strive to be impressed, rather than to impress. No I don’t go on “bloviating” about my wonderfulness, as many out there do in various Social Media outlets. I’ve made the commitment to work on myself, and improve. Every day, I make a conscious decision to become better for the future.

I work on my dreams. Yes, I have a written list. It’s a simple plan with achievable goals.

But I must act on that list, because without action, the goals are useless.

So I will continue to strive to be successful in my own right, and live my life as a voice actress/artist, and be happy with  my work, this blog, and encourage others to dream, and to act, and succeed.

Here’s to the future!