5 Tips for a Voice Actor’s Higher Workplace Productivity

by | General, Marketing, Social Networking

 Finding ways to increase  a voice actor’s workplace productivity is a task that can be both frustrating and time consuming . As someone who is a solopreneuer and a creative , you know that the ability to motivate yourself  to work efficiently at all times in order to increase output is critical to productivity gains.

#1 – Get rid of “stuff” that Interrupts workflow and overall workplace productivity ratio

It’s a fact that mess creates stress. For optimal production performance, make sure that your work area is clutter- free and comfortable.  You may want to add artwork, and things that foster creativity in your studio, as this is the place where the magic happens. So clean out the extraneous stuff and you can get more done.

#2 – Limit email exposure

Have specific times during the day when you check email. I switch off email alerts and silence my phone while working. When recording I’ll take rest breaks every 3—45 minutes to stretch, get water, and check email or return urgent calls.  Such discipline allows me to concentrate on the things on my to do list, greatly adding to productivity improvement.

#3 – Don’t procrastinate

Don’t put off doing things that you dislike.  In fact deal with the biggest, hairiest frog first! If you get stuck, delegate or outsource some work to an editor or personal assistant.

Always concentrate on what you CAN do and stay focused throughout the day.

#4 –Distractions around you

To get things done means we must stay focused. So when you work on something, think about the end result of the project. See the finish line, so to speak, and don’t let yourself get off on a tangent, seeking the next bright shiny object!

Minimize time suckers; TV, and too much time on social media sites. Don’t give away the time that you could and should be investing in your business. If you can afford it, hire someone to handle your social media marketing services.

#5 – Your time=Time Management

Learn how to say no, and not feel guilty about it.  You don’t have to make yourself available to everyone. Limit yourself during your work day to people that you need to interact with. In this case it’s generally clients , subcontractors and family members. You need to save your energy and your voice!

Additional  Tips to reduce stress ,  productivity ideas and reclaim your personal life can be found here: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/time-management/WL00048

Less distractions, clutter, and clear focus will lead to higher work-space productivity and impressive results.


  1. Excellent insights. Thank you for sharing them!

    • Vanessa,
      I write from experience, as that all I can offer, so I’m please that you have enjoyed my ramblings from time to time. Thanks for stopping by!