New Year, New Demos

by | Demos, General, Voice over Demos

Happy Belated New Year!

I know I know. It’s not only been a super long time since I’ve posted here at Bobbin’s Blog, and it’s already February. Yikes, I get it. True confession; Social media and its related fall out has gone to the back-burner for this voice actress and female voice talent.

The Blog Slog

Truth be told, I was spending way too much time writing for the blog, worrying if I had optimal readability and content keywords. Dispensing a lot of free advice that many of my peers readily monetize. It seems that some of my peers post just for vanity and SEO rankings. Too much time on Facebook and humble-bragging. So I dropped out and started my own path to sanity. Basically keeping my head down and working in a hyper-focused manner without allowing distractions. And the results of this shift seem to be working for me and my voiceover business.

So What’s Different?

Truth be told, I’m marketing myself through auditions submitted through my talent agents and by offering my loyal existing clients the best service possible. It feels like freedom, happiness, and fulfillment are working hand in hand. In the past year I’ve been coached by the fabulous Dave Walsh. Love him!  I also got  new LA and Chicago agents and have booked some nationals and other very fine and lucrative projects through my other agents as well.

So it’s All Good

I don’t like to brag and I don’t like to complain. But I will say that life is good for now. I’m happier and more comfortable in my own skin and with my own voice business.

If you’re interested in hearing what my voice has been up to in the past year, then check out my 2019 voice-over demos:

Here’s my Commercial Voiceover Demo for 2019

And my Narration Voiceover Demo for 2019


Those two genres above represent  where most of my voiceover work comes from. Onward and upward!


1 Comment

  1. This is refreshing to read. I feel like I am (somewhat reluctantly) moving in the opposite direction….. feeling compelled to invest in more and more social media ‘marketing’. Good to hear somebody as successful as you is taking a new path. All the best.